Halloween dates back thousands of years to the Celtic people of ancient Europe, who recognized October 31 as the last day of autumn and had festivals to celebrate. This was the time that the regular world and spirit world were thought to be closest, so people wore masks and costumes to fend off roaming ghosts. Over time, the holiday evolved into a secular and community-based event known for activities like trick-or-treating and bobbing for apples that we love today.

Let’s not spoil the fun by ensuring that all our kids have a safe Halloween this year.

Here are some safety tips from the FDA when considering your children’s (or your own) costumes, treats or contact lenses.

One hard fact is that on average, children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year. So make sure that your child is visible by carrying glow sticks or flashlights. Use reflective tape or stickers on their costumes and bags.

Walk with your under-12 kids when they go trick-or-treating. Remind kids to cross streets at corners or crosswalks.

When you are driving, SLOW DOWN, and be alert. Kids are excited on Halloween and many will dart into the street - expect the unexpected.

Enjoy the festivities safely today and tonight.


Regina Sweeney