The Franciscans have been a welcome part of the SPCCS family since 2015 with the arrival of Fr. Bill McIntyre, Fr. Frank Critch and Brother Paul Santoro.
After Fr. Critch and Brother Santoro moved mission, we were blessed with the presence of Fr. John Coughlin, followed by Fr. Casey Cole who replaced Fr. John as our School Chaplin. Fr. Bill moved mission in 2023 after 8 wonderful years with us and now our pastor as of late 2023 is Fr. Steven Patti. Most recently Fr. Luis Rosado joined our SPCCS Parish and we welcome his presence.
We are blessed to have four friars living amongst us! Fr. Steve Patti and Fr. Luis Rosado serve St. Peter Claver Catholic Church while Fr. Steve Pavignano is pastor of Holy Spirit Macon and Fr. Casey Cole is Friar in Residence there.
There are many ways you can learn more about our friars. Click on the links below to see more about their mission. Father Casey has an online presence with Breaking in the Habit.