Meals, foods, and beverages served at SPCCS meet state and federal requirements based on USDA Dietary Guidelines. We provide students with access to a variety of affordable and appealing foods that meet their health and nutrition needs.
But we all know that not every kid likes every food choice. So, please make sure to review these menus every week with your student. If you student dislikes the menu items BEING OFFERED please send lunch to school with your student.
* Our menus are planned in accordance with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Nutrition Standards followed in preparing menus:
We analyze for nutrient content to ensure our nutrition goals are met.
We study the nutrient profile of new products before deciding to add items to our menus.
We offer whole grain and whole wheat bread products to our students daily.
We do not serve foods of minimal nutritional value during lunch times.
We use low fat cooking methods such as baking, broiling, and steaming.